Chris Garland is from Nashville, TN., where he’s lived since birth. Chris spent one term of service in the US Army before returning to Nashville to begin teaching Martial Arts systems and Close Combat to various Special Operations units and Law Enforcement agencies.
Chris is a Master level Instructor of Korean and Japanese Martial Arts with more than 30 years of study, practice and teaching. Since his early childhood he has traveled to both Korea and Japan to further his studies under the tutelage of those country’s most respected Masters. Chris is one of a small number of 1st Generation Certified Instructors of SGM (Ret) Larry Jordan’s Close-Combat System and he serves as Larry’s Senior Representative of the Jordan System.
Chris has worked as a Civilian Contract Instructor for civilian Law Enforcement since his early teen years until now and has worked for several years for the US Military teaching Close-combat skills to Special Operations units and members of the USArmy (Special Forces), Navy (SEALs) and Air Force (Air Commandos). Chris has had the unique experience of serving on extended overseas deployment to combat zones in support of Special Operations teams.
Chris has also worked as an Independent Contractor for a well known U.S. Security and Training firm and he has worked for the US Department of State (DOS) as both a Senior Instructor for their Training Staff and as an Operator serving as a member of a Personal Security Detail (PSD) providing Close Protection for senior US Diplomats in the Combat zone.
Chris is currently providing specialized Close Combat training privately at his facilities in